Friends, if there is never a child marriage
It is a criminal offense under the Child Marriage Act-R006 to marry, perform or assist a girl below the age of 18 and a boy below the age of 21 to marry. If such a marriage is performed, the parents of the bride and groom, the elder of the bride and groom, Gor Maharaj, Mand5 Wala, D.J. Therefore, a criminal offense is committed against all participants in the marriage.
Violation of this Act carries a fine of up to one lakh rupees and two years rigorous imprisonment. If such marriages are taking place and are reported before the marriage, such marriages are stopped and if they are already married, a complaint is filed against them after necessary investigation. So no member of the society should arrange or perform this type of marriage. If there is any child marriage, please report it on the following numbers.
Also report it to the nearest police station (100) or Child Marriage Prosecutor Sah Samaj Suraksha Aghikari Mr. Rajesh Desai Mo.No.94282 93075, Chief Probation Officer Mr.L. G. Bharwad Md.No.97241 42503, Address : Room No.13, Block-C, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Nadiad, District Khedane Phone No. : 0R68-R550640, Child Line-1098, District Child Protection Officer Shri M. R. Tel, Mo. No. 94268 68027,
Legal Associate Probation Officer Shri Kirtiben P. Joshi, Md.No.99246 98625, Security Officer – Non Institutional Officer Mr. Krunal A. Vaghela, Md.No.88664 99002 District Child Protection Unit Office, Room No.20, Block-C, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Mill Road, Nadiad, Phone No.0R68-R563077 is requested to report. Wedding season is now on,
In many Bagha societies, group marriages are being organized where the organizers of group marriages check the date of birth pattern of each bride participating in the group marriage and are requested to marry only those boys and girls who are eligible according to the law.
To ensure that no child marriage takes place, the entire society and the leaders of the society have been informed by Aghikarishree, Nadiad, Dist.Kheda, against child marriage. The identity of the person reporting child marriage at the above address is kept confidential. All awake people are requested to sleep.