Digital Agriculture Revolution in Gujarat: e-NAM platform From Gujarat ₹10 Sale of agricultural produce worth more than thousand crores
Farmers get market price through online sales More prices, The money is deposited directly into the farmer's account
Farmers in India can sell their agricultural products online, They get competitive prices for their products and increase their income, With this objective, the year by the Central Government under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi 2016In the National Agricultural Market (e-NAM) The portal was launched. E-NAM portal enables farmers to trade their produce through e-NAM mandis near them and traders to conduct online auctions from any location. Today on e-name portal in Gujarat under the leadership of Chief Minister Mr. Bhupendra Patel 8 More than lakh farmers have been connected. of Gujarat on e-name portal 144 Mandis have been consolidated.
So far in Gujarat through e-name platform 2.64 More than one crore quintal of agricultural produce has been sold, The total value of which ₹10,535.91 There are crores. Thus, in Gujarat through e-name portal ₹10 More than thousand crores of agricultural products have been sold. Gujarat continues to drive India's digital agriculture revolution by connecting millions of farmers in the state with technology on the e-NAM portal.
'Get a better price than the market price, Money is deposited directly into the account'
Mr. Parbatbhai Govindbhai Patat of Una Bazar Samiti has joined E-NAM portal for the past one year and is selling peanuts online. They state that selling online makes a huge difference compared to selling in the local market. The sales process has become faster. We are getting very good prices. us relative to the local market 200from 500 Rupees fetch higher prices. This has increased our income a lot.
Parbatbhai states that, The sale of groundnuts through the e-name portal has increased their income by about five to seven percent. He states that e-NAM portal is very beneficial for farmers. We no longer have payment options. The money is now deposited directly into the account. Merchandise sells out quickly. By launching the e-NAM portal, the central government has made the sale process simple and beneficial for farmers across the country, For which we are very grateful to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Shri Bhupendra Patel.
Hareshbhai M. who is attached to the market committee. Horseback riding 5 Cotton on e-name portal since years, Selling agricultural produce like groundnut and wheat, Because of that in their income 15from 20% As much as it has increased. Hareshbhai Ghodasara while thanking the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi for starting the initiative like e-name portal said that“Selling agricultural produce online through the e-name portal launched by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has brought many benefits to farmers like us.
By connecting directly with the merchant, we don't charge commission and the money goes directly to the account. Us by selling online compared to the local market 15from 20% As much benefit as possible. from today 20 A year ago I had nothing, But today we prefer to sell goods online because of the economic benefits of the e-name portal.”
In Gujarat 8.87 More than 100,000 people e-NAM Integrated on the portal
Agriculture is the backbone of India's economy and the sector has witnessed unprecedented change with technological advancement. 31 December 2024According to the statistics of, Total in the state 8,87,420 People are actively using this platform, in which 8,69,807 Farmers10,181 merchants7,170 Commission agents and 262 Farmer Producer Organizations ((FPO)consists of
e-NAM of agriculture sector on the platform 8 By digitally connecting over 100,000 farmers, By adopting technology, Gujarat has set an excellent example of good governance in the agriculture sector by promoting inclusiveness and prioritizing the welfare of farmers. This transformative initiative empowers farmers economically, Provides information to farmers about prices of farm produce in various mandis and enables them to trade directly, bridging the gap between rural producers and national markets. That means Gujarat is not only leading India's digital agriculture revolution, But it is also strengthening its position as a leading state in transformative agricultural policies.
what is e-NAM?
e-NAM It is an electronic trading platform operating across India, All of which to create a unified market for agricultural products APMC Brings the Mandis together. Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium under the Ministry of Agriculture (SFAC) Under the leadership of, This platform aims to standardize agricultural marketing, Aims to eliminate information gaps and enable real-time price discovery based on supply and demand. The objective of this mission is to integrate APMCs across the country, Aims to facilitate transparent pricing through quality based auctions and ensure timely online payments.
By bringing together such diverse groups, Gujarat is redefining the agricultural market scenario, And empowering the farmers of the state through financial inclusion. Gujarat is committed to promoting a robust digital ecosystem for the agriculture sector and ensuring maximum participation and benefits for all stakeholders in the value chain.