Mun. 1,70,589 students in 5 mediums in 450 schools in the school board are taught by 4399 head teachers and teachers – 88995 students study in 129 smart schools in Ahmedabad.
Student, parent and school are at the center of centenary budget.: Dr. Sujay Mehta
(Representative) Ahmedabad, Ahmedabad Nagar Primary Education Committee for the financial year 2025-26 Labdhir Desai presented the education centenary budget of primary education fund for the year 2025-26 with Rs.1143 crores in the general meeting of the school board. 2025-26 Primary Education Fund Rs. 91.17% of the budget of 1143 crores i.e. Rs.1042.05 crores will be spent on salaries and pensions.
1.78% i.e. 77.50 crores for student development, educational and teacher related activities and 2,054 i.e. 23.44 crores for schools and infrastructure. has come Budget related works have been completed to a large extent by the Nagar Primary Education Committee, Ahmedabad and plans have been made to complete some pending works before 31-03-2025. Students, parents and schools are at the center of this centenary budget for the year 2025-26.
Sful Board Chairman Dr. According to Sujay Mehta, in the draft budget of governor Labdhir Desai, in this budget of education with education of the school board, according to the new education policy-2020, children will be given skills development, sports, art, music, elocution, self-defense, value-oriented education, hygiene, traffic awareness, patriotism. Along with this, provisions were made in the budget to emphasize the kind of education that increases student self-reliance and self-confidence. is
Presently Mun. 1,70,589 students in 5 mediums are imparted education by 4399 head teachers and teachers in 450 schools in the school board. It is worth mentioning here that 88995 students are studying in 129 smart schools of N. Prof. Shi. Samiti, Ahmedabad. Also, a total of 148 students are studying in 13 signal schools under “Bhiksha Nahi Shiksha”.
Along with education, a special provision has been made for students and education in the centenary budget for the year 2025-26. In which My City My Pride (school facilities under My City Clean City), Mun. Writing and recitation of Srimad Bhagavad Gitasar and Shloka in schools, school enrichment campaign, educational tour of students, mother tongue preparation program, school management and leadership training for students,
Centenary Celebration of School Board Establishment, Special Training Arrangements for Specially Talented Children, Student Development, Teacher Orientation Programmes, Student Exposure Visits, Schools of Excellence, Signal Schools, Skill Development Center for Parents of Signal Schools, Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat (School Tuning) , Science Experiment School and e-Library, Zero Budget, Promotion of Girl Education and School Entrance Festival, Renovation / Infrastructure of Schools facilities
Student Orientation Activities, Scouting Activities, School for Olympic Readiness, Computer Training to Students of Grades 1 to 8, Vocational Training to Students, New School, Further Learning Opportunities for Students after Upper Primary Education and Promotion of Math Kits in Schools etc.