Godhra Municipal Member was sentenced by Sharia Law court with drugs banned at the South Arabian airport with drugs.
Godhra, Godhra Municipal Member Mohammad Hanif Saeed Kalandar was arrested approximately 6 months ago at Jidda Airport in Saudi Arabia with a huge quantity of drug drugs. It also detained six members of Godhra's existing family.
However, Mohammad Hanif Saeed Kalandar, a member of Godhra Municipality, who was arrested from Jidda Airport with a quantity of prohibited drugs, was sentenced to a year imprisonment under the Shariakanun court of Saudi Arabia and a fine of Rs. Was set in place. However, the court of Saudi Arabia's Sharia law ordered the acquittal of six members of Godhra's existing family.
Godhra Municipality's election was held by AIMIM's highest number of votes in the AIMIM's explosive entry, Mohammad Hanif Saeed Kalandar, a member of Saudi Arabia, was arrested in July, July 3, with Judyasi Airport.
Saudi Arabian authorities were handed over to a couple of three more existing families and mothers of Godhra with the quantity of prohibited drugs. Godhra Municipality member Mohammad Hanif Kalandar was arrested for the year after a judicial hearing against the four accused of Godhra, who was imprisoned in Dehban Central Jail of Jidda on charges of banned drugs.
It was ordered to be acquitted by six members of Godhra's existing family. It is worth mentioning here that Suleiman, a resident of Godhra, who was arrested with the quantity of banned drugs from Dubai Airport, was also sentenced to five years imprisonment by the Sharia Law Court and soon another municipality member Mohammed Hanif Kalandar was sentenced to death in this kind of crime. Has spread.