Mumbai, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh is going on a five-day visit to America from August 21. The Indian Defense Acquisition Council (IDAC) will discuss the purchase of MQ-9B, Predator drones and Hawk-I-360 aircraft for the Navy.
The most important issue is India's contribution to 'Quad' and the steps to be taken in 'Indo Pacific Maritime Home Awareness' (IPLDA) will be discussed, this decision was taken in the meeting of Indian Defense Acquisition Council on July 31.
It will also discuss installing 30 percent indigenous equipment in UAVs. The most important question is the cost of the survey. Lion will try to lower that price. On August 23, Rajnath Singh is scheduled to meet US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin at the Pentagon and discuss these deals to take a final decision. Among these, emphasis will be placed on manufacturing the said planes in India.
Along with this, it is also worth mentioning that the actions of the 'Quad' formed by America, Japan, Australia and India in the Indo-Pacific region will be an important issue.
China's increasing operations in the region and its strategy to counter Somali pirates and Houthi raiders in the Gulf of Aden will be discussed.
In this way, Rajnath Singh will discuss with the American officials in this meeting the intensive discussion of finding collective solutions to defeat the increasing bully of China on the one hand, pirate activity and Houthi terrorists on the other hand, along with India and America, Japan and Australia. SS1MS